A580 East Lancashire Road Active Travel Route – St Helens


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Closing date: Monday 27 November 2023.

The A580 East Lancashire Road Active Travel Route sets out the outline proposals which includes upgrading the existing shared surface pedestrian and cycle pathways to a protected cycle route with separated pedestrian footway, with some sections of shared surfaces. We are also proposing junction upgrades throughout the length of the route, with the potential removal of the footbridge located immediately east of the Kenyons Lane South junction, following the installation of a dedicated road level signalised controlled crossing. Alongside this, implementation of the Outline Design will require amendments to the existing speed limit along the A580 to achieve compliance with design standards.

These outline proposals are at an early design stage, with no implementation funding or delivery timescales currently secured. However, we are asking you to help us shape the project and have your say about the proposals at this early stage to ensure our emerging scheme meets the needs of the communities it will serve.

Should anyone like to meet in person, the Council and design team are holding a series of in-person drop-in sessions attended by Council Officers at the following locations. Please do therefore come along to discuss the proposals. 

In person drop-in session for everyone (residents, businesses, visitors, stakeholders etc)

Costco, Haydock, Andover Rd, Haydock, Saint Helens WA11 9FA on Tuesday 14 November 2023 from 17:00 to 19:00