Merseyside Cycling Campaign – Annual General Meeting 2024


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Merseyside Cycling Campaign – Annual General Meeting 2024
Saturday 18 May from 10am.
DoES Liverpool, First Floor, The Tapestry 68 – 74 Kempston Street Liverpool L3 8HL.

Presentations from the event can be downloaded HERE

10:30 Welcome: Eddy Taylor, Chair of Merseyside Cycling Campaign
The MCC are pleased to introduce
10:40 Simon O’Brien, Cycling Commissioner for Liverpool City Region and ATE.
Simon is an award-winning actor, TV presenter and lifelong advocate of active travel who was appointed Liverpool City Region’s Walking and Cycling Commissioner in 2019. Simon’s role is to provide help and expert advice to Metro Mayor Steve Rotheram and the Combined Authority as they work to make the city region the best place in the country to walk and cycle. His excellent film ‘the art of the possible’ is not to missed
10:55 Ed Lamb, Green Councillor, long term cyclist.
Ed has demonstrated that he understands that environmental, social and economic justice are intimately entwined. He is working hard to prevent climate catastrophe, reform our democracy and promote a Green recovery. Active Travel is one area he is passionate about……
11:15 Simon Young, Wirral LCWIP Project Manager
Simon will delve into the wider proposed Active Travel Network for Wirral will be ‘live’ this month it is an opportunity to introduce that project as well.
11:50 Ed Gommon, Project co-ordinator for Zero Carbon Liverpool.
Ed Gommon says “Today ‘zero carbon’ is the mainstream view in high-level policy forums such as the IPCC. Ed is also lead for the Campaign on the LCC Active Travel Stakeholder Engagement Forum.
12:15 Helen Holcroft, Aigburth Community Cycling Club.
It’s been two years since Aigburth Community Cycling Club hit the streets of South Liverpool but already new hubs are up and running.
Q & A session with our speakers
Lunch – Our Pies today are made by the Community-Owned Bakery found in the shadow of Liverpool Football Club’s Anfield Stadium
13:30 Ellis Palmer
Not only is Ellis Palmer a journalist and broadcaster Radio Lancashire and BBC News Hour, he’s also an avid handcycling enthusiast. Recently talking to politicians across the country about Active Travel across the North West.
13:25 Stewart Walsh, Sustainable Travel Officer, Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
Stewart is working hard to bring the NHS into a progressive thinking when it comes to Active Travel.
14: 15 Danny Robinson, Peloton
His ideas for the Everton Mini Holland was launched last year, but what new projects are in the pipeline for this exceptional entrepreneur. Quote “positive cycling culture to create entrepreneurs, healthier communities and a world-class city.”
14: 35 Kad and team, Asylum Link Merseyside
Many who have fled from countries with conflict have found a bike in the UK brings freedom, independence and cheap travel. ALM have recycled bikes over the last ten years to help so many.
Q & A session with our speakers

15:00 Annual General Meeting, this hour will be devoted to the formal business of the Merseyside Cycling Campaign.
Agenda for Annual General Meeting
• Minutes of the last AGM.
• Election of Officers
• Officer Reports (e.g. Treasurer report)
• Area Reports (including Knowsley, Sefton, Wirral, Halton and Liverpool).
• Gary Clark Memorial Award
• Any Other Business

You are all welcome to stay to learn more of our activities, and perhaps even volunteer to help in some capacity.